Night of Champions

Night of Champions Information

Keynote Speaker: David Blough

Detroit Lions QB

Former Purdue University QB & FCA Huddle Leader

Come hear what God is doing in the lives of coaches and athletes through the launch of Lakeshore FCA! We're excited to have David Blough as the keynote speaker.

What: Signature fundraising event celebrating Lakeshore FCA's launch!

When: Tuesday, April 13th from  7:00 - 7:30 PM EST


Ways to Get Involved


Sponsorship underwrites the cost of Night of Champions. Consider sponsoring this event from your business, church, or family.

Sponsorship Info


Help us reach our financial goals by making a donation at this event. FCA is a faith-financed ministry, meaning we rely on generosity from people like you to help us reach coaches and athletes.

Give Now


Do you know others that would be interested in learning more about Lakeshore FCA's vision? Make sure to invite them to tune in with you on April 13th!


Sponsorship Opportunities

Platinum Sponsor - $10,000

Program recognition

Website recognition

Tom Landry Associates “Influence” painting

Power Camp t-shirt recognition

Gold Sponsor - $5,000

Program recognition

Website recognition 

“Influence” blanket

Power Camp t-shirt recognition

Silver Sponsorship - $2,500

Program recognition

Website recognition

Bronze Sponsorship - $1,000

Program recognition

Website recognition

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